Compile Kotlin Desktop Application into Single Executable (EXE) File
Image by Hillari -

Compile Kotlin Desktop Application into Single Executable (EXE) File

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Are you tired of distributing your Kotlin desktop application as a folder full of JAR files and dependencies? Do you want to provide your users with a seamless installation experience? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of compiling your Kotlin desktop application into a single executable (EXE) file.

Why Compile into a Single EXE File?

Compiling your application into a single EXE file offers several advantages:

  • Easy Installation: Users can simply download and run the EXE file, without worrying about installing JRE or configuring the application.
  • Reduced Size: A single EXE file is often smaller than a folder full of JAR files and dependencies.
  • Improved Security: By packaging the application and its dependencies into a single file, you can reduce the risk of tampering or unauthorized access.
  • Better User Experience: A single EXE file provides a more native-like experience for users, making it easier for them to adopt and use your application.


Before we dive into the process, make sure you have the following requirements:

  • Kotlin: Your application must be written in Kotlin.
  • Gradle: You must be using Gradle as your build tool.
  • JDK: You must have JDK 11 or later installed on your system.
  • GraalVM: You must have GraalVM installed on your system (we’ll explain why later).

Step 1: Prepare Your Project

Before compiling your application into a single EXE file, make sure your project is configured correctly:

  1. Clean and rebuild your project in IntelliJ IDEA or your preferred IDE.
  2. Verify that your application runs correctly using the built-in Gradle task.

Step 2: Install GraalVM

GraalVM is a high-performance runtime that allows you to compile your Kotlin application into a native image. To install GraalVM:

  1. Download the GraalVM Community Edition from the official website:
  2. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  3. Set the GRAALVM_HOME environment variable to the installation directory.

Step 3: Add the GraalVM Native Image Plugin

Add the GraalVM Native Image plugin to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
  id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version '1.5.31'
  id 'org.graalvm.nativeimage' version '21.3.0'

nativeImage {
  imageName = 'my-app'
  mainClass = 'com.example.MyAppKt'
  verbose = true

This configuration tells Gradle to use the GraalVM Native Image plugin to compile your application into a native image.

Step 4: Configure the Native Image Options

Configure the native image options to optimize performance and reduce the file size:

nativeImage {
  // ...
  options = ['-H:InitialHeapSize=64m', '-H:MaxHeapSize=64m', '-H:+ReportTransparentHugePages']

These options set the initial and maximum heap size to 64MB, and enable transparent huge pages for better performance.

Step 5: Compile the Native Image

Run the following command to compile your application into a native image:

./gradlew nativeImage

This command will create a native image of your application in the build/native-image directory.

Step 6: Package the Native Image into an EXE File

Use the following command to package the native image into a single EXE file:

native-image-compiler --no-fallback --no-server my-app

Replace my-app with the name of your application. This command will create a single EXE file in the current directory.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues during the compilation process, refer to the following common solutions:

Issue Solution
Error: Unknown type java.lang.Void Make sure you have JDK 11 or later installed and configured correctly.
Error: Could not find or load main class com.example.MyAppKt Verify that the main class is correct and the application runs correctly using the built-in Gradle task.
Error: Unable to create native image Check the native image options and reduce the heap size or disable transparent huge pages.


By following these steps, you can compile your Kotlin desktop application into a single executable (EXE) file, providing a seamless installation experience for your users. Remember to optimize the native image options for better performance and reduce the file size. Happy coding!

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Frequently Asked Question

Got queries about compiling your Kotlin desktop application into a single executable file? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you out:

Why do I need to compile my Kotlin desktop application into a single exe file?

Compiling your Kotlin desktop application into a single executable file makes it easier to distribute and deploy. It also allows users to run your application without the need for additional dependencies or installations. Plus, it’s a great way to protect your code from reverse engineering!

What tools can I use to compile my Kotlin desktop application into a single exe file?

You can use tools like GraalVM, Graal Native Image, and JPackage to compile your Kotlin desktop application into a single executable file. These tools allow you to create a native image of your application that can be run on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.

How do I compile my Kotlin desktop application using GraalVM?

To compile your Kotlin desktop application using GraalVM, you’ll need to install GraalVM and configure your build tool (e.g., Gradle or Maven) to use the GraalVM native image plugin. Then, you can run the native image command to create an executable file of your application. Check out the GraalVM documentation for more detailed instructions!

Will compiling my Kotlin desktop application into a single exe file affect its performance?

Compiling your Kotlin desktop application into a single executable file can actually improve its performance! Native images can provide better startup times and lower memory usage compared to running your application on the JVM. However, the performance benefits may vary depending on your application’s specific requirements and usage.

Can I customize the executable file created by the compilation process?

Yes, you can customize the executable file created by the compilation process! For example, you can specify the output file name, icon, and version information. You can also use tools like JPackage to create installers for your application. Check out the documentation for your chosen compilation tool for more information on customization options!

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