SSIS OnError Propagate to False – Still Propagating to Parent Containers? Here’s What You Need to Know
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SSIS OnError Propagate to False – Still Propagating to Parent Containers? Here’s What You Need to Know

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated with SSIS and its OnError event. You’ve set Propagate to False, expecting errors to be handled gracefully within your script, but they’re still bubbling up to parent containers. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of SSIS error handling, explore the quirks of OnError Propagate, and provide you with actionable solutions to regain control over your data flows.

Understanding SSIS Error Handling

In SSIS, error handling is a crucial aspect of maintaining data quality and ensuring business continuity. The OnError event is a powerful tool that allows you to catch and handle errors at various levels, from the package to individual components. However, when not used correctly, it can lead to unexpected behavior and propagation of errors to parent containers.

The OnError Event

The OnError event is triggered when an error occurs during package execution. It provides a way to capture and respond to errors, allowing you to take corrective action, log errors, or simply ignore them. The event is raised at the component level, and you can configure it to propagate errors to parent containers or not.

    <!-- Error handling code goes here -->

Why is Propagate Set to False Still Causing Errors to Propagate?

So, you’ve set Propagate to False, expecting errors to be handled locally, but they’re still bubbling up to parent containers. There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • Nested containers: If you have nested containers (e.g., a For Loop within a Sequence Container), Propagate set to False will only stop the error from propagating to the immediate parent. If the error occurs within a nested container, it will still propagate to the outer container.
  • System variables: Certain system variables, like PROPAGATE_ERROR, can override your Propagate setting. Make sure to check these variables to ensure they’re not interfering with your error handling.
  • OnError event handlers: If you have multiple OnError event handlers, the last one to execute will determine the propagation behavior. Ensure that you’re not inadvertently setting Propagate to True elsewhere in your package.
  • Package-level configurations: Package-level settings, such as the MaximumErrorCount property, can affect error propagation. Check your package configurations to ensure they’re not influencing your error handling.

Solutions to Regain Control over Error Propagation

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s explore some solutions to help you regain control over error propagation:

1. Use a Centralized Error Handling Mechanism

Implement a centralized error handling mechanism, such as a single OnError event handler at the package level. This will allow you to consolidate error handling and ensure consistent behavior throughout your package.

        <!-- Centralized error handling code goes here -->
    <!-- Other components and containers -->

2. Set Propagate to False at the Component Level

Set Propagate to False at the component level to ensure that errors are handled locally. This is especially important for components within nested containers.


3. Use a Try-Catch Block within Your Script

Within your script, use a try-catch block to catch and handle errors. This will prevent errors from propagating to parent containers.

    try {
        // Code that may throw an error
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Handle the error locally

4. Review Package Configurations and System Variables

Double-check your package configurations and system variables to ensure they’re not overriding your error handling settings.

Best Practices for SSIS Error Handling

To avoid error propagation issues in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Plan your error handling strategy: Think about how you want to handle errors and design your package accordingly.
  2. Use a centralized error handling mechanism: Implement a single OnError event handler at the package level to consolidate error handling.
  3. Set Propagate to False judiciously: Only set Propagate to False when you’re confident that errors will be handled locally.
  4. Test your error handling: Rigorously test your error handling mechanisms to ensure they’re working as expected.
  5. Monitor and log errors: Regularly monitor and log errors to identify patterns and areas for improvement.


In this article, we’ve explored the intricacies of SSIS OnError Propagate and why setting it to False might not be enough to prevent error propagation. By understanding the causes and implementing the solutions and best practices outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to regaining control over error propagation and ensuring the reliability of your data flows.

Keyword Summary
SSIS OnError Propagate Understanding the OnError event and its Propagate property in SSIS.
Error Handling in SSIS Best practices for error handling in SSIS, including centralized error handling and try-catch blocks.
SSIS Error Propagation Solutions to prevent error propagation in SSIS, including setting Propagate to False at the component level.

Remember, SSIS error handling is all about planning, testing, and adapting. By staying vigilant and following these guidelines, you’ll be able to create more robust and reliable data flows that meet the demands of your business.

Frequently Asked Question

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) can be a bit finicky when it comes to error handling. One common question that pops up is why OnError event handlers are still propagating errors to parent containers even when Propagate is set to False. Let’s dive into the FAQs and get some clarity on this issue.

Why is the OnError event still propagating errors to the parent container when Propagate is set to False?

This is because the Propagate property only controls whether the error is propagated to the next event handler in the hierarchy, not whether the error is raised to the parent container. To prevent error propagation, you need to set the System.Variable::Propagate variable to False in the OnError event handler.

How do I stop the error from propagating to the parent container in SSIS?

To stop the error from propagating, you need to set the System.Variable::Propagate variable to False and also re-raise the error using the RaiseError method. This will prevent the error from being propagated to the parent container.

What is the difference between the OnError event and the onError event handler in SSIS?

The OnError event is a container-level event that is raised when an error occurs within the container. The onError event handler is a specific event handler that can be set up to handle the OnError event. The onError event handler is where you would set the System.Variable::Propagate variable to False to prevent error propagation.

Can I use a Script Task to handle errors in SSIS?

Yes, you can use a Script Task to handle errors in SSIS. In fact, Script Tasks provide a lot of flexibility in error handling. You can write custom code to handle errors and even set the System.Variable::Propagate variable to False to prevent error propagation.

What are some best practices for error handling in SSIS?

Some best practices for error handling in SSIS include using a centralized error handling mechanism, logging errors to a database or file, and using Script Tasks to handle complex errors. It’s also important to test your error handling code thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.