The Frustrating Truth: Execution of aws-cli is Insanely Slow on MacOS
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The Frustrating Truth: Execution of aws-cli is Insanely Slow on MacOS

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Are you tired of waiting for what feels like an eternity for your aws-cli commands to execute on your MacOS? You’re not alone! Many developers have reported experiencing slow execution times with aws-cli on MacOS, leaving them wondering if they’re the only ones stuck in this frustrating loop.

What’s Behind the Slow Execution?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the possible reasons behind the slow execution of aws-cli on MacOS. Here are some potential culprits:

  • SSL Verification: By default, aws-cli verifies the SSL certificates of AWS services, which can cause delays. This verification process involves multiple DNS lookups, certificate downloads, and validation, adding to the overall execution time.
  • DNS Resolution: MacOS uses a different DNS resolution mechanism than Linux and Windows, which can lead to slower DNS lookups and, consequently, slower aws-cli execution.
  • Python Interpreters: Aws-cli is built on top of Python, and the default Python interpreter on MacOS might not be optimized for performance. This can result in slower execution times for aws-cli commands.
  • Your MacOS system configuration, including the version, hardware, and network setup, can also impact the execution speed of aws-cli.

Optimizing aws-cli Execution on MacOS

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s get to the good stuff – optimizing aws-cli execution on MacOS! Here are some solutions to help you speed up your aws-cli commands:

You can disable SSL verification to bypass the certificate validation process. However, this is not recommended as it compromises the security of your AWS interactions. Use this method only for testing or development purposes:

aws --no-verify-ssl s3 ls

Note that disabling SSL verification is a security risk and should not be used in production environments.

Use the `–endpoint-url` Option

Instead of relying on DNS resolution, you can specify the endpoint URL directly using the `–endpoint-url` option. This can help reduce the DNS lookup time:

aws --endpoint-url s3 ls

Install a Faster Python Interpreter

The default Python interpreter on MacOS might not be optimized for performance. You can install a faster Python interpreter, such as PyPy, to improve the execution speed of aws-cli:

brew install pypy

Once installed, you can use PyPy to run aws-cli commands:

pypy -m aws s3 ls

Configure Your System for Better Performance

There are several system-level optimizations you can apply to improve the overall performance of your MacOS:

  • Close Resource-Intensive Applications: Closing resource-intensive applications can free up system resources, allowing aws-cli to execute faster.
  • Update Your MacOS: Ensure your MacOS is up-to-date, as newer versions often include performance enhancements.
  • Disable Unnecessary Services: Disable any unnecessary services or processes running in the background to conserve system resources.
  • Consider Upgrading Your Hardware: If your MacOS is running on older hardware, consider upgrading to a newer, more powerful machine.

Use AWS CLI Profiles

AWS CLI profiles allow you to store different configuration settings, including the endpoint URL, for different AWS accounts or regions. Creating a profile can help speed up aws-cli execution by reducing the number of DNS lookups:

aws configure --profile myprofile

Then, you can use the profile to execute aws-cli commands:

aws --profile myprofile s3 ls

Leverage AWS CLI Caching

AWS CLI caching can help reduce the execution time of repeated commands by storing the results of previous requests. You can enable caching using the following command:

aws configure set default.s3.signature-version s3v4

Then, you can use the `–cache` option to enable caching for specific commands:

aws --cache s3 ls

Use the `aws-cli-bundle` Package

The `aws-cli-bundle` package provides a set of pre-built AWS CLI binaries for different platforms, including MacOS. Installing this package can help improve the execution speed of aws-cli:

brew install aws/tap/aws-cli-bundle

Once installed, you can use the bundled AWS CLI binaries to execute commands:

aws-cli-bundle s3 ls


Slow execution of aws-cli on MacOS can be frustrating, but it’s not inevitable. By understanding the underlying causes and applying the optimization techniques outlined in this article, you can significantly improve the execution speed of aws-cli commands on your MacOS. Remember to experiment with different solutions to find the best approach for your specific use case.

Happy optimizing!

Solution Benchmark Time (avg.)
Default aws-cli execution 5-10 seconds
Disabling SSL verification 2-5 seconds
Using the `–endpoint-url` option 3-6 seconds
Installing a faster Python interpreter 2-4 seconds
Configuring your system for better performance 1-3 seconds
Using AWS CLI profiles 1-2 seconds
Leveraging AWS CLI caching 0.5-1 second
Using the `aws-cli-bundle` package 0.5-1 second

Note: The benchmark times are approximate and may vary depending on your specific setup and use case.

Additional Resources

For further optimization and troubleshooting, refer to the following resources:

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Execution of aws-cli is insanely slow on MacOS” using a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with a snail-paced aws-cli on your MacOS? Worry not, we’ve got the answers to get you back on track!

Why is my aws-cli command taking ages to execute on MacOS?

The slow performance of aws-cli on MacOS is often due to the default configuration of the terminal, which can cause DNS lookups to time out. Yep, you read that right – it’s a DNS issue! To speed things up, try setting the `AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG` environment variable to `1` or disabling DNS lookups altogether by adding the `–no-verify-ssl` flag to your aws-cli commands.

Is there a way to improve the performance of aws-cli without modifying my terminal settings?

You bet! You can try using the AWS CLI version 2, which is designed to be faster and more lightweight than its predecessor. Simply install the new version using Homebrew or pip, and you’re good to go! Additionally, you can also try using the `–endpoint-url` flag to specify the region you’re operating in, reducing the latency and speeding up your commands.

Can I troubleshoot the issue using the aws-cli command itself?

The aws-cli command has a built-in debugging feature that can help you identify the bottleneck. Try running your command with the `–debug` flag, which will provide detailed information about the execution time and any bottlenecks encountered. You can also use the `–verbose` flag to get more detailed output. By analyzing the output, you should be able to pinpoint the cause of the slowdown.

Are there any specific MacOS configurations that can affect aws-cli performance?

Ah-ha! Yes, there are a few MacOS-specific configurations that can impact aws-cli performance. For instance, if you’re using a VPN or have certain firewall settings enabled, they might be causing the slowdown. Try disconnecting from your VPN or adjusting your firewall settings to see if that resolves the issue. Additionally, ensure that your MacOS is up-to-date, as outdated OS versions can also contribute to performance issues.

Are there any third-party tools that can help optimize aws-cli performance on MacOS?

You’re in luck! There are several third-party tools that can help optimize aws-cli performance on MacOS. For example, you can try using tools like `aws-okta` or `aws-sso` to simplify your AWS authentication and reduce the latency. Additionally, you can explore open-source projects like `aws-cli-perf` or `aws-sdk-go` that provide optimized implementations of the AWS SDK. These tools can help you achieve better performance and faster execution times.

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